Are You Ready?

Are you ready for the unimaginable?
Global warming is accelerating. Blistering high temperatures have been reported across the world. Fires in Canada are out of control. Unprecedented events are becoming real.
The danger of fires have caused homeowner insurance rates to dramatically rise (or the policies outright cancelled) in some states.
What is the probability of a devastating fire in your county, your city or your neighborhood? Do you know? Are you ready?
Prepare for the unthinkable with an emergency preparedness plan and by organizing the details of your messy life.
Organize the details of your life in case of disaster, disability or even your death.
What does your cat eat? Who is your doctor? Where’s the key to your shed? Will And A Way has thought of all of the questions for you.
Log into your personal dashboard and answer a thorough list of vital details today, so that the information is available for loved ones later.
Hope for the best but plan for the worst.
Information shared here is not to be taken as legal or financial advice. Suggestions and resources are presented for your consideration and may or may not apply to your personal situation. Please consult your advisers.