Keep The Peace By Being Prepared

Life is unpredictable
If we have learned nothing else from this pandemic, it’s that life is unpredictable and we never can be sure what is around the corner.
Do you have a will or trust, financial and health directives?
Do you have an executor lined up as well as a digital executor to handle your social media, gaming and gambling accounts?
Do you have a disaster plan for yourself, your family, your home?
If you suddenly had to go to the hospital, who would know where to find your important documents and information?
Only 42% of adults in this country have estate planning documents. And only 36% of those with minor children have arrangements in place for their care in the event of their death or disability.
Whether you live alone, have a spouse, significant others or extended family, you can gain peace of mind and be ready for the unexpected.
Get your legal documents in order, and head to where you’ll answer questions about your complicated life, made simpler with straightforward, specific sections about your accounts, assets, insurance, vehicles, health, and much more.
You might ask, if I have all of my legal documents, isn’t this all covered?
Not really. Colleen Carcone, co-author of “Principles of Estate Planning” and director of wealth planning strategies at TIAA, encourages talking to your children about how you’ve divided your estate and also leaving behind a detailed letter explaining the thinking behind your decisions. Such letters can head off disagreements about what you said and what you meant. (As any parent knows, what we say to our children and what they hear can be quite different.)
“Make sure that they understand why you did what you did,” Carcone says. “Nobody wants to leave a legacy of family disharmony.”
[“Should You Leave Your Kids An Equal Inheritance?” Liz Weston, Nerd Wallet, May 14, 2020]
Do a little bit at a time and save as you go. Explain exactly what your wishes are, where your documents and assets are kept, who your medical team includes – everything your loved ones need to know in case of a medical emergency, disability, a disaster, or your death that can’t be explained in legal documents alone.
What does peace of mind cost? Turns out, not much – it can be had for $40 a year at Create an account today and give your personal agent the log in information if and when they need it for your benefit.
Information shared here is not to be taken as legal or financial advice. Suggestions and resources are presented for your consideration and may or may not apply to your personal situation. Please consult your advisers.