Get the Will to Organize

How do I get motivated to get started?
Guest post by Erica Rodgers
Organizing your affairs is a thoughtful and time-consuming project. Often the “mulling over” of decisions or retrieving needed information can take us down a long wandering path away from motivation. The big question that many ask: how do I get motivated? I appreciate the benefits of completing a will and getting everything in order for my executor and family, but I still haven’t done it.
Motivation comes in many forms and is very relative to the one in need. The hardest part is usually getting started. Here are some ideas that can get the ball rolling.
Big Picture It: The advantages of getting the t’s crossed, and i’s dotted with an attorney’s nod of approval differs for each person, but a few of the most common are: having a prepared and valid will for any unexpected losses, structure for family during a time of grieving and also a sense of security that all loose ends are tied up. Broad views can give purpose to a significant task.
Use a To-Do List or Calendar: Often we just think about getting a will started, but never actually put it on a routinely reviewed to-do list. To help gain clarity and a feasible starting point, list out, separately, all the items you think you need to gather. Instead of just listing “organize will documents” list “obtain 401K statement”, “find house deed” and “print money market account statement”. If you do not use a to-do list, but instead a calendar, put each task on days when you have time.
Give Yourself Preparation Time: Motivation often happens when you have time to relax and get yourself mentally prepared for a big project. Schedule reminders to give yourself space to mentally prepare. If you think enough about your project in a structured environment, you can tackle the paperwork or decision making with a clear and prepared mind.
Pair: A big job that you are not motivated about can be quickly sparked by pairing it with an activity you enjoy. Get a new audiobook, make an upbeat playlist of songs you love, listen to old reruns that you haven’t seen in a while. The integral part of this motivation tactic is to only do this one fun activity with the task you are unmotivated to complete. This will help you look forward to organizing and getting started.
Don’t Do Until You Do: Planning on buying a new car? Redoing the bathroom? Or splurging on some shoes? Give yourself a present for getting the hard job done. Update the will, then get the shoes.
Reach Out to Resources: All you need is a trusted friend, a family member, or a category authority to make this job easier. Not only can they potentially help you organize but also be an accountability partner. Knowing that someone else knows your deadline can be a big motivating factor.
Get motivated to get organized so that your preparations are exhaustive, but you are not exhausted!
Erica Rodgers is a writer, coach, and digital organizer who works virtually with clients to organize computer files, databases, calendars, documents or anything else digital. She contributes to and edits business blogs and provides alternative and uncommon business and personal coaching. Connect with her at [email protected].
Life is uncertain. Gain a little peace of mind with Will and a Way. Information shared here is not to be taken as legal or financial advice. Suggestions and resources are presented for your consideration and may or may not apply to your personal situation. Please consult your advisers.
Information shared here is not to be taken as legal or financial advice. Suggestions and resources are presented for your consideration and may or may not apply to your personal situation. Please consult your advisers.