What is a Digital Executor and Do You Need One

What is this?
Have you ever been looking at your Facebook feed when suddenly a reminder pops up about the birthday of a dear friend or relative who has passed away? Disconcerting, to say the least. With the help of a digital executor, this would not have happened.
In your will, you’ve named an executor to handle your last wishes and distribute assets to your heirs. But if you died or became incapacitated, what would happen to your online presence and data?
Duties of the digital executor
A digital executor will delete or archive your personal email accounts, music files, photographs, videos, social media accounts (think Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr), your online financial accounts after the assets are transferred to heirs, and any gaming or gambling accounts. This person will need to know what online communities you are a part of so they can notify them of your death.
Be very specific and detailed in your willandaway.com profile and list all of your online accounts. Be sure to put your passwords in your separate password manager.
Check the laws in your state regarding digital estate planning and discuss with your estate attorney. This is a new area of law and you and your executor and back-up executor need to know just what they might have to face to carry out your wishes. Be sure to find out whether or not your digital executor needs to live in your state.
Who to choose?
This person will need to work closely with your estate executor. Choose someone you trust with your passwords and your personal computer and devices. They need to be willing, organized, and comfortable with technology. Maybe your business partner could handle business-related accounts in your name and a trusted friend can take care of the rest. Spend some time digging through your computer to make sure you have remembered and listed all accounts. Be sure that the corresponding passwords are in your password manager.
Life is uncertain. Gain a little peace of mind with Will and a Way.
Information shared here is not to be taken as legal or financial advice. Suggestions and resources are presented for your consideration and may or may not apply to your personal situation. Please consult your advisers.