Why You Won’t Create Your Will Here

Start with your will or trust
At www.willandaway.com we start with the assumption that you have a valid will or trust specific to the laws of your state and your unique situation.
Online options for creating legal documents have been expanding, but be aware: some documents might not be valid in your state. And fill-in-the-blanks legal forms might not cover all of your needs.
Be diligent and do your homework before using one of these services. It’s possible you’d be leaving a mess for your executor or personal representative and heirs. If your will is deemed invalid, it can’t be executed.
An attorney will make sure that your wishes and wants are documented as they should be and meet all the legal requirements of your state. Many are starting to offer virtual options such as video consultations. Your attorney will also be up to speed on the legality of any other virtual options, such as remote notarization.
Having a will or trust created is actually the easy part. The hard part is making the decisions and detailing the messy parts of your life so your family, executor and heirs know exactly what you want done. And, keeping those plans up to date! That’s where Will and a Way comes in, so you can cover everything from insurance policies and bank accounts to vehicles and pet care.
Of course, a will is only useful if your executor knows where to find it; be sure you leave clear instructions for him or her about accessing your information at Will and A Way, as well as the location of your other important documents.
Everyone needs a will – that’s critical. But legal documents don’t give your personal agent all of the practical information they will need. With Will and a Way, the details are made clear. And in case of a disaster, like a fire or flood, this information is easy to access and imperative to have.
Information shared here is not to be taken as legal or financial advice. Suggestions and resources are presented for your consideration and may or may not apply to your personal situation. Please consult your advisers.