Sort Treasure From Trash
Will your heirs know what's valuable and what's not? When someone dies or downsizes for a move into assisted living, all of their belongings become potential heirlooms. And all of those items must be...
Keep The Peace By Being Prepared
Life is unpredictable If we have learned nothing else from this pandemic, it’s that life is unpredictable and we never can be sure what is around the corner. Do you have a will or trust, financial and...
ICE-In Case of Emergency
What will you do in a disaster? Have you made a disaster plan? It's one of those things you know you need to do. Don’t put it off any longer! It’s easy to panic during a real emergency, but having a plan for...
First things first: Your Will
Just getting started? Begin with your will. If you pass away without one (called dying “intestate”), even if your estate is very modest, your family will face a lot of complications at an emotionally...
How to plan your own memorial service (or someone else’s)
Have you given any thought to how you want your life story to be told and celebrated? It’s your life, your way and your final wishes. Go out in the style you choose. Make those plans and arrangements now and...
What is a Digital Executor and Do You Need One
What is this? Have you ever been looking at your Facebook feed when suddenly a reminder pops up about the birthday of a dear friend or relative who has passed away? Disconcerting, to say the least....